Akademien is a student nightclub for students by students in Jönköping, Sweden.
The club is for the students at Jönköping University.
Student Service/Rio in Students House.
Students from other university’s are always welcome.
(swedish and from abroad)
You need to show a valid student ID of the guest.
Yes, the fee is 70 SEK/guest.
No fee before 22.00. After 22.00 the guest need to pay the normal fee of 70 SEK.
Some nights every semester we have Open Nights. On these dates you as a member in JSU can invite a friend to Akademien Nightclub. (maximum four people) Your friend has to be at least 18 years old.
We have a limit of 200 guest on the guest list.
You find the dates here.
Student Service/Rio in Students House.
Yes, the fee is 70 SEK/guest.
No fee before 22.00. After 22.00 the guest need to pay the normal fee of 70 SEK.
If you have further quuestions please contact the Akademien Manager.
Do not forget to inform your guests about our rules in Akademien Nightclub.
Your name on the guestlist will not guarentee access to Akademien Nightclub.