Akademien logo with always in your heart


We do not separate people from people but we reserve the right to reject guests that are intoxicated, have been using illegal substances, disrupt the order or in any other way act in a disrespectful way to any of the staff members or to other guests.

Smoking and vaping is strictly forbidden in the queue outside and once you´ve entered Akademien Nightclub.
We do not accept consumption of privately brought alcohol or any other type of liquid in the queue outside Akademien Nightclub day time or night time.


You are not allowed to enter Akademien Nightclub with alcohol in bags or pockets etc., as in any other night club with permission to sell alcohol in Sweden.

To be permitted to enter Akademien Nightclub you need to be a member of JSU, Jönköping Student Union and show valid Mecenat and ID card. You also must be 18+. 
Doors normally open at 21.00. No entrance fee the first hour. Akademien Nightclub close at 02.00. Entrance fee 70 SEK.

During the Kick Off Weeks we open the doors 20.00. No entrance fee the first hour.
Except on the 24/8. This day we open at 19.00 and with entrance fee of 70 SEK from 19.00 until the entrance close.

You are not allowed to bring outdoor jackets in to the club. You must put them in our cloakroom. You must put bags bigger than 20 cm x 30 cm x 10 cm in the cloakroom and pay a fee.

Akademien Nightclub does not have any stamp or similar which gives you the right to re-enter. If you wish to leave that is completely your own choice and then you will be forced to stand in line again. You will therefore be a new guest and you have to pay the entrance fee.

The ”Kick Off bracelet” is valid as a Mecenat card during and after the Kick Off. You need to wear it until you receive your Mecenat card.

Free entry card is valid until 23.00. 

The entrance usually closes at 00.30. We do not accept guests once the entrance has closed. This has no relations to what time it is or how many guests that choose to leave Akademien Nightclub.


If you are on the guestlist and enter after the first hour you have to pay the entrance fee.
More info here.


Some nights every semester we have Open Nights. On these dates you as a member in JSU can invite a friend to Akademien. Your friend has to be at least 18 years old. More info here.


Once you enter Akademien Nightclub, you accept that our crew takes pictures of you or film you as a guest and we are free to use the photos or film in our social medias and on our website.
If you do not want to be photographed or filmed, let our photographer know directly or contact the Akademien Manager.

You are not allowed to take photos or film in the queue outside or inside Akademien Nightclub.


The alcohol bought inside Akademien Nightclub is not allowed to be brought outside, when one wishes to leave.

We do not want to receive complaints or constructive criticism about our staff or the nightclub while the Akademien Nightclub is open.
This is done via e-mail to the Akademien Manager.
Try to tell what happened and how you experienced that situation in the e-mail.